An Indian tea industry providing high quality and safe tea for consumers, good livelihoods for producers, workers and their families, whilst at all times caring for the natural environment.

About trustea
Tea Foundation
Towards strengthening trustea’s mandate on sustainability, ‘trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation’ has been incorporated. The Foundation has been registered under ‘Section 8’ of the Company’s Act. The Foundation will be managing the trustea Program independently.
trustea is an Indian sustainability code and verification system for the tea sector that endeavours bringing sustainability to environment, welfare to communities, quality and health safety to consumers.
The code enables producers, buyers and others involved in Indian tea businesses to obtain tea that has been produced according to agreed, credible, transparent and measurable criteria.
trustea is working with smallholder tea growers, bought leaf factories, estates and packers to address some of the key challenges in the industry including working conditions, health & safety of tea workers, water pollution, food safety, soil erosion & contamination, gender issues and adverse effects of climate change.


To sustainably transform the Indian tea industry for the benefit of consumers, workers, farmers and the environment by:
Verifying tea producers against a world class sustainability code of conduct.
Working with tea industry to address key sustainability challenges such as food safety, stagnating yields, pest & disease control, living wages, worker welfare & equality, preservation of bio-diversity and improvement of livelihood of smallholders.